Dr. Lisa Riggioni speaks about Functional Rehabilitation in individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries at University of Medical Sciences


On Tuesday April  29th, Dr. Lisa Riggioni M, DPT, was invited as a guest speaker to the University of Medical Sciences (UCIMED). Her speech was titled "Functional Rehabilitation in individuals with spinal cord injuries. The main auditorium was filled with physical therapists, occupational therapists, doctors, patients, and others with a special interest.  Thank you all for your questions and comments towards the end of the speech!


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On Tuesday April  29th, Dr. Lisa Riggioni M, DPT, was invited as a guest speaker to the University of Medical Sciences (UCIMED). Her speech was titled "Functional Rehabilitation in individuals with spinal cord injuries. The main auditorium was filled with physical therapists, occupational therapists, doctors, patients, and others with a special interest.  Thank you all for your questions and comments towards the end of the speech!


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