Plantar fasciitis: a consequence of flat feet

When a person has flat feet it usually causes the heel bone to have a deviation due to the fall of the arch. This can cause pain, which is reflected in plantar fasciitis. In the long term it can cause problems in the ankle or even knee joint. Because of this is that the cross on the right foot in the image looks twisted with respect to the left foot.

It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the sole of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes. It commonly causes shooting pain that usually appears with the first steps in the morning. As the person gets up and moves around, the pain usually subsides, but may return after long periods of standing or when standing after sitting.


The plantar fascia is shaped like an arch, which supports the foot and absorbs shock when walking. If the tension and stress applied to this arch becomes too great, small tears in the fascia can occur. Repetitive stretching and tearing can irritate or inflame the fascia, although the cause remains unclear in many cases of plantar fasciitis.

Factors that increase plantar fasciitis

  • Age: Plantar fasciitis is most common between 40 and 60 years of age.

  • Certain types of exercise: Activities that put a lot of pressure on the heel and attached tissues, such as long-distance running, ballet and aerobic dance, can contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis.

  • Foot mechanics: Flat feet, a high arch or even an abnormal gait pattern can affect the way weight is distributed when standing and can put more stress on the plantar fascia.

  • Obesity: Excess weight puts additional pressure on the plantar fascia.

  • Occupations that keep you on your feet: Factory workers, teachers and others who spend most of their working hours walking or standing on hard surfaces can damage the plantar fascia.

Ignoring plantar fasciitis can lead to chronic heel pain that hinders your regular activities. Changing the way you walk as a way to relieve plantar fasciitis pain can lead to foot, knee, hip or back problems. The best decision is to go to a professional who will guide you through this.


When a person has flat feet it usually causes the heel bone to have a deviation due to the fall of the arch. This can cause pain, which is reflected in plantar fasciitis. In the long term it can cause problems in the ankle or even knee joint. Because of this is that the cross on the right foot in the image looks twisted with respect to the left foot.

It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the sole of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes. It commonly causes shooting pain that usually appears with the first steps in the morning. As the person gets up and moves around, the pain usually subsides, but may return after long periods of standing or when standing after sitting.


The plantar fascia is shaped like an arch, which supports the foot and absorbs shock when walking. If the tension and stress applied to this arch becomes too great, small tears in the fascia can occur. Repetitive stretching and tearing can irritate or inflame the fascia, although the cause remains unclear in many cases of plantar fasciitis.

Factors that increase plantar fasciitis

  • Age: Plantar fasciitis is most common between 40 and 60 years of age.

  • Certain types of exercise: Activities that put a lot of pressure on the heel and attached tissues, such as long-distance running, ballet and aerobic dance, can contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis.

  • Foot mechanics: Flat feet, a high arch or even an abnormal gait pattern can affect the way weight is distributed when standing and can put more stress on the plantar fascia.

  • Obesity: Excess weight puts additional pressure on the plantar fascia.

  • Occupations that keep you on your feet: Factory workers, teachers and others who spend most of their working hours walking or standing on hard surfaces can damage the plantar fascia.

Ignoring plantar fasciitis can lead to chronic heel pain that hinders your regular activities. Changing the way you walk as a way to relieve plantar fasciitis pain can lead to foot, knee, hip or back problems. The best decision is to go to a professional who will guide you through this.