Pain & Numbness in Hands


It is common that when we do not get adequate circulation to our extremities we feel numbness; what is not common or healthy is if this numbness is mixed with pain and we feel it in our hands, feet, etc. In the event that these circumstances occur frequently it is because it could be an indicator of a more severe condition that has not been diagnosed. If you notice that you suffer from recurrent pain and numbness in your hands, we recommend you follow the recommendations in our video, and read about the common causes of these.

Possible Causes Pain & Numbness in the Hands

Damage, compression, or irritation of one of the nerves in the hand, or a branch of the nerves in the arm or wrist; they are the general causesof numbness in this limb of the body. They can also affect diseases that damage the peripheral nerves such as diabetes, although it usually has symptoms in the feet or legs.

Also, although uncommon, numbness can be caused by damage to the spinal cord or brain directly. The way to diagnose this is with a series of tests that rule out all possible conditions that can range from brain conditions like Guillain-Barré Syndrome to overuse injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Recommendations for Pain & Numbness of the Hands

  • To Load Bags / Use Weights Exercising: When we carry heavy objects it is common to make the mistake that the wrist is bent inwards, that is to say that it is in the direction of or trying to touch the body. It should be straight, or in line with your elbow and shoulder to avoid pain.

  • To Hold a Purse: It is recommended to put the arm so that the purse hangs from the arm at the elbow flexure. This way you can protect your hand and wrist from overuse that can cause pain and numbness.

  • To Hold Babies / Children: In general, when we lift a minor we tend to press our hands into their body without realizing it, we must redirect this force to the arms so as not to put too much unnecessary stress on the hands and wrist and avoid damage.

  • Cell Phone Use: Because we use the phone on many occasions where the positions vary greatly, there are endless variations that could be damaging your hand and / or wrist. This is why we recommend using the cell phone while it is on a flat surface at all times, without holding it with one hand.

Live without Pain!

In summary, the main recommendation to avoid pain and numbness in the hands is not to put too much stress on the wrist or hands frequently and unnecessarily. With the above suggestions you can avoid this in activities of daily life and save yourself a future injury, or prevent this symptom if you already have a condition.


It is common that when we do not get adequate circulation to our extremities we feel numbness; what is not common or healthy is if this numbness is mixed with pain and we feel it in our hands, feet, etc. In the event that these circumstances occur frequently it is because it could be an indicator of a more severe condition that has not been diagnosed. If you notice that you suffer from recurrent pain and numbness in your hands, we recommend you follow the recommendations in our video, and read about the common causes of these.

Possible Causes Pain & Numbness in the Hands

Damage, compression, or irritation of one of the nerves in the hand, or a branch of the nerves in the arm or wrist; they are the general causesof numbness in this limb of the body. They can also affect diseases that damage the peripheral nerves such as diabetes, although it usually has symptoms in the feet or legs.

Also, although uncommon, numbness can be caused by damage to the spinal cord or brain directly. The way to diagnose this is with a series of tests that rule out all possible conditions that can range from brain conditions like Guillain-Barré Syndrome to overuse injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Recommendations for Pain & Numbness of the Hands

  • To Load Bags / Use Weights Exercising: When we carry heavy objects it is common to make the mistake that the wrist is bent inwards, that is to say that it is in the direction of or trying to touch the body. It should be straight, or in line with your elbow and shoulder to avoid pain.

  • To Hold a Purse: It is recommended to put the arm so that the purse hangs from the arm at the elbow flexure. This way you can protect your hand and wrist from overuse that can cause pain and numbness.

  • To Hold Babies / Children: In general, when we lift a minor we tend to press our hands into their body without realizing it, we must redirect this force to the arms so as not to put too much unnecessary stress on the hands and wrist and avoid damage.

  • Cell Phone Use: Because we use the phone on many occasions where the positions vary greatly, there are endless variations that could be damaging your hand and / or wrist. This is why we recommend using the cell phone while it is on a flat surface at all times, without holding it with one hand.

Live without Pain!

In summary, the main recommendation to avoid pain and numbness in the hands is not to put too much stress on the wrist or hands frequently and unnecessarily. With the above suggestions you can avoid this in activities of daily life and save yourself a future injury, or prevent this symptom if you already have a condition.