Patient corrected her body posture with NeuroFT tips

At NeuroFT Clinic we focus on body biomechanics. This studies the functioning and movement of the different parts of the body, meaning, that it is responsible for ensuring that each component of the body works correctly. A patient of the clinic corrected her body posture with NeuroFT’s tips, thanks to our therapists who gave her recommendations to perform daily activities in the correct way.

Postural Education

Body education includes a set of rules to maintain the correct body position while standing still or moving. This to avoid possible injuries by learning to protect the spine and other parts of the body, when performing daily activities. By learning to perform the efforts of everyday life in the most appropriate way  you will reduce the risk of pain.

The purpose of postural education is to reduce and prevent load and damage to the spine. Mainly when performing activities of daily living.

Testimonial: learning the correct posture

Thanks to NeuroFT for teaching me to unlearn misconceptions about correct back posture that for years were causing me problems. To heal postural injuries through exercises to correct the root of the problem. For those exhaustive studies of everything that influences posture and that can cause us problems: such as sleeping position, sitting, standing, standing in rows. 


If you want to learn more about biomechanics and maintain a correct body posture you can attend the NeuroFT Clinic. Here we will explain and give you recommendations to leave behind injuries caused by bad techniques and postures while performing activities of daily living.


At NeuroFT Clinic we focus on body biomechanics. This studies the functioning and movement of the different parts of the body, meaning, that it is responsible for ensuring that each component of the body works correctly. A patient of the clinic corrected her body posture with NeuroFT’s tips, thanks to our therapists who gave her recommendations to perform daily activities in the correct way.

Postural Education

Body education includes a set of rules to maintain the correct body position while standing still or moving. This to avoid possible injuries by learning to protect the spine and other parts of the body, when performing daily activities. By learning to perform the efforts of everyday life in the most appropriate way  you will reduce the risk of pain.

The purpose of postural education is to reduce and prevent load and damage to the spine. Mainly when performing activities of daily living.

Testimonial: learning the correct posture

Thanks to NeuroFT for teaching me to unlearn misconceptions about correct back posture that for years were causing me problems. To heal postural injuries through exercises to correct the root of the problem. For those exhaustive studies of everything that influences posture and that can cause us problems: such as sleeping position, sitting, standing, standing in rows. 


If you want to learn more about biomechanics and maintain a correct body posture you can attend the NeuroFT Clinic. Here we will explain and give you recommendations to leave behind injuries caused by bad techniques and postures while performing activities of daily living.