Know the risks of holding your phone with your shoulder
Maintaining a good postural health is the basis to avoid the onset of back pain and other disorders that often prevent them from having a good health. One of the most common mistakes that are committed on a daily basis is the use of the phone or cell phone, as we tend to hold it with the shoulder. A practice that is not recommended in any case. When it is time to pick up the phone and talk while doing other things, we often don’t notice the bad position. This gesture, which seems simple, is a danger for the cervical area and the tendons that make up the neck.
This totally anti-ergonomic posture is capable of causing overload on the intervertebral discs located in the cervical spine, if it occurs sporadically or for a short period of time it does not usually generate consequences. However, when it becomes a routine habit and is maintained for long periods of time, it can cause muscle tension and contractures in the neck. If, in spite of this, the habit is maintained, degenerative changes will occur that will lead to the development of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, also known as cervicoatrosis.
Cervical osteoarthritis is a disease that causes pain when moving the neck. It’s characterized by a cracking or the sensation of having sand or a rubbing in the neck. In many cases the cracking may be audible to people around. Another symptom that accompanies this disease is dizziness or vertigo with changes in head position.
Possible Solutions
Ideally, do not talk on the phone while engaged in another activity. When this is not possible, try to do so by holding the handset with one hand. And not with the shoulder or with the use of devices such as headphones, hands-free or speakerphone, which allow to keep the conversation without falling into vicious postures.
Positions such as holding the phone with the shoulder are part of every person’s routine. It can trigger contractures and injuries in muscles and tendons around the neck and back. Incorporating certain habits such as using headphones can greatly improve the routine of talking on the phone. If you have long made it a part of your life to hold the phone with your shoulder, it is best to see a specialist.
Maintaining a good postural health is the basis to avoid the onset of back pain and other disorders that often prevent them from having a good health. One of the most common mistakes that are committed on a daily basis is the use of the phone or cell phone, as we tend to hold it with the shoulder. A practice that is not recommended in any case. When it is time to pick up the phone and talk while doing other things, we often don’t notice the bad position. This gesture, which seems simple, is a danger for the cervical area and the tendons that make up the neck.
This totally anti-ergonomic posture is capable of causing overload on the intervertebral discs located in the cervical spine, if it occurs sporadically or for a short period of time it does not usually generate consequences. However, when it becomes a routine habit and is maintained for long periods of time, it can cause muscle tension and contractures in the neck. If, in spite of this, the habit is maintained, degenerative changes will occur that will lead to the development of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, also known as cervicoatrosis.
Cervical osteoarthritis is a disease that causes pain when moving the neck. It’s characterized by a cracking or the sensation of having sand or a rubbing in the neck. In many cases the cracking may be audible to people around. Another symptom that accompanies this disease is dizziness or vertigo with changes in head position.
Possible Solutions
Ideally, do not talk on the phone while engaged in another activity. When this is not possible, try to do so by holding the handset with one hand. And not with the shoulder or with the use of devices such as headphones, hands-free or speakerphone, which allow to keep the conversation without falling into vicious postures.
Positions such as holding the phone with the shoulder are part of every person’s routine. It can trigger contractures and injuries in muscles and tendons around the neck and back. Incorporating certain habits such as using headphones can greatly improve the routine of talking on the phone. If you have long made it a part of your life to hold the phone with your shoulder, it is best to see a specialist.