Do you suffer neck pain?


Many times neck pain can be caused by a load that accumulates in this area, this load is known as stress. Generally, this is produced by bad movements when lowering the head reloading the lower area of the cervical spine. It can also be caused by staying for a prolonged period of time in incorrect static positions.

What positions can make neck pain worse?

  • Bad posture while sitting, especially in times of pandemic when many hours are spent working in front of a desk or computer with your eyes down.

  • Work with the shoulders forward, which causes the head to tilt backward.

  • Sleeping in an incorrect position, with a bad height, either above or below the level of the back.

  • Driving for many hours.

  • Perform activities by looking upward several times.

Tips to relieve this pain

Reduce stress: Relaxation can relieve stress. It is advisable to attend therapies that include deep abdominal breathing, meditation, visualization and other relaxation techniques.

Frequent breaks: It is important to take breaks every so often, repetitive and sustained positions promote muscle tension, so it is important to be changing positions every 15-20 minutes.

Exercises and stretching: Ideally, a physical therapist will perform routines with certain exercises and stretches to reduce the pain. These may include: circular rotation of the shoulder blades; extension, flexion and rotation of the cervical spine; stretching of the pectoral muscles; strengthening of the shoulder muscles and isometric exercises.

Heat and cold therapy: Alternating heat and cold to relieve a painful and stiff neck is very useful and recommended. It is important to reduce inflammation by applying a cold pack for 20 minutes several times a day and alternating this approach with heat.

The most important thing will always be to go to a specialist to make the necessary assessments, diagnose the cause of the pain and send the appropriate treatments. Recommendations and advice can be helpful, but attendance to a professional in the area will help you identify the complete situation to correct and avoid future injuries.


Many times neck pain can be caused by a load that accumulates in this area, this load is known as stress. Generally, this is produced by bad movements when lowering the head reloading the lower area of the cervical spine. It can also be caused by staying for a prolonged period of time in incorrect static positions.

What positions can make neck pain worse?

  • Bad posture while sitting, especially in times of pandemic when many hours are spent working in front of a desk or computer with your eyes down.

  • Work with the shoulders forward, which causes the head to tilt backward.

  • Sleeping in an incorrect position, with a bad height, either above or below the level of the back.

  • Driving for many hours.

  • Perform activities by looking upward several times.

Tips to relieve this pain

Reduce stress: Relaxation can relieve stress. It is advisable to attend therapies that include deep abdominal breathing, meditation, visualization and other relaxation techniques.

Frequent breaks: It is important to take breaks every so often, repetitive and sustained positions promote muscle tension, so it is important to be changing positions every 15-20 minutes.

Exercises and stretching: Ideally, a physical therapist will perform routines with certain exercises and stretches to reduce the pain. These may include: circular rotation of the shoulder blades; extension, flexion and rotation of the cervical spine; stretching of the pectoral muscles; strengthening of the shoulder muscles and isometric exercises.

Heat and cold therapy: Alternating heat and cold to relieve a painful and stiff neck is very useful and recommended. It is important to reduce inflammation by applying a cold pack for 20 minutes several times a day and alternating this approach with heat.

The most important thing will always be to go to a specialist to make the necessary assessments, diagnose the cause of the pain and send the appropriate treatments. Recommendations and advice can be helpful, but attendance to a professional in the area will help you identify the complete situation to correct and avoid future injuries.