Treatment for back pain

Treatment for back pain2021-12-10T13:56:58-06:00

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor. It is important to understand that this specific area of the body can suffer different injuries and have multiple causes, however, there are progressive treatments that can help improve and alleviate all kinds of discomforts. Get to know the NeuroFT System for back pain.

At NeuroFT we focus on finding the specific cause to treat the root problem, since pain in this area can be the result not only of sporadic injuries, but of diseases or day-to-day activities.

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25mts suroeste de El Farolito
Lunes – Jueves ::  8am-6pm
Viernes :: 8am – 4pm

Mapa | WAZE
Escalante 8862-0813
25mts suroeste de El Farolito
Lunes – Jueves ::  8am-6pm
Viernes :: 8am – 4pm

Mapa | WAZE
Plaza Itskatzú, frente al Hotel Courtyard Marriott
Lunes – Jueves ::  8am-6pm
Viernes :: 8am – 4pm

Mapa | WAZE
Escazú 8417-7018
Plaza Itskatzú, frente al Hotel Courtyard Marriott
Lunes – Jueves ::  8am-6pm
Viernes :: 8am – 4pm


The spinal column is made up of a complex structure of bones, ligaments, tendons, and discs. In most cases, back pain can improve progressively with exercises and treatments that can be implemented in the daily routine. These are some of the most common causes:

Dolor de espalda
  • Effort: This is the most common cause. Prolonged stresses and unusual stresses can easily lead to injury. By tensing muscles and ligaments, lifting very heavy objects and even sleeping in uncomfortable positions, we can damage, fracture or injure any of the parts that make up the back.

  • Bad Posture: Some daily activities, such as working long hours standing or long hours sitting, can cause significant problems if you do not try to maintain good posture. Standing or sitting for long periods of time can lead to straining the neck, back and other parts of the body that generate severe pain in the spine.

  • Structural Problems: Some structural problems, such as ruptured discs (which function as shock absorbers for the spine), herniated discs, sciatica problems and even the abnormal curvature of the bones of the spine caused by multiple sclerosis or various other reasons.

  • Diseases: Some diseases that can cause pain and discomfort in the back are;

    • Arthritis: It can affect the lumbar back if there are significant problems in the joints of the hip or lower back, causing the space around the spinal cord to be reduced and giving rise to the disorder called “spinal stenosis”.
    • Osteoporosis: It occurs when bones become brittle and porous, making them more prone to fractures.
    • Kidney Problems: Kidney stones and kidney infection usually cause pain in the back by “radiating” pain to this area.
    • Spinal Cancer: A tumor in the spine can cause severe pain.


Back pain can range from mild to severe. Depending on the type of pain and its cause, the pain may even extend to the buttocks and legs, depending on the nerves that are affected.

Common symptoms

  • Inflammation or swelling of the back

  • Weightloss

  • Leg Pain

  • Pain below the knees

  • Injuries

  • Urinary incontinence or difficulties urinating

  • Fecal incontinence or loss of control

  • Numbness in the genitals and buttocks

  • Fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Numbness

When to see a specialist?

It is essential to go to a health specialist when pain appears. No matter the degree, if it is mild, intermediate or acute, it is best to know the cause as soon as possible. With back pain, it should be take into account that they usually result from a deeper problem; be it injuries, illnesses or actions of daily life that are causing damage to some part of the back.

At NeuroFT we use different technological and therapeutic methods that allow our specialists to focus on knowing the cause of pain and all its scope.

With this clear, specific therapies are developed for each patient, helping to alleviate pain and correct the causes, to improve the patient’s health and quality of life.

Si usted sufre de algún tipo de dolor de espalda y no conoce su causa o desea deshacerse de la molestia, no dude en contactarnos y agendar una cita.

Back pain patient testimonial

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