“Exercise and Health†(Ejercicio y Salud) magazine publishes article about NeuroFT
In its April edition, the magazine "Exercise and Health" (Ejercicio y Salud) conducted an interview with Dr. Riggioni and then published [...]
In its April edition, the magazine "Exercise and Health" (Ejercicio y Salud) conducted an interview with Dr. Riggioni and then published [...]
Multiple myeloma Multiple sclerosis Organ transplants Parkinson’s disease Poor diet Post-polio syndrome Premature menopause Prostate cancer Rheumatoid arthritis Severe liver [...]
Weight-Bearing Exercise Accuracy Influences Muscle Activation Strategies of the Knee. Articles Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. 31(1):12-19, March 2007. Madhavan, Sangeetha [...]
Response to Heart and Estrogen-Progestin Replacement Study Follow-up (HERS II) published July 3rd, 2002 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)